Our lifestyle through the days requires from the people to do something for them and their soul. Successful people are playing through all their lives, only that their toys change through the time. Coupe and exotic vehicles have always been for people, who know what they want in their life and know how to enjoy it. Such people don't see in the car just the transportation device but far more than that.
An idea about web page, containing coupes, has been born at the end of the year 2003. With each day the ideas and plans became the reality. After a year of intensive work, we have gathered so many information, that we could present this web page to you. Coupe desire is dedicated to the all coupe lovers, designers and engineers and those, who take the credit that such a beautiful cars have been made through the time of car history, hopefully they want be forgotten. So with great respect to all coupe lovers, who keep this car alive, we wish all the best.
We hope these web pages will help us to keep the car heritage. And we also hope that you will have a lot of pleasure visiting our web page. If you have noticed any errors or mistakes, please inform us immediately. If you would like to share with us any interesting informations, pictures, ideas, advises according to coupes, fell free to send it to our email address. We also give a possibility to global coupe enthusiasts that co-operate with us. So if you want to be our corespondent please contact us. We are also looking forward, if you send us any kind of news, opinion, experiences, advices, and interesting pictures. We are willing to add this news and pictures to our web page content (with your permission of course). All of you are more then welcome to keep alive the real one and only page dedicated to coupes. Coupe desire team would like to thank all the people who had helped to make the coupe desire page alive and have also gathered a big collection of pictures and content of all kind coupes.
Coupe desire is non commercial web pages. The domain is copy right. Our sites present over than 600 names of coupes with more than 2000 pictures. We have divided the history of coupes to the continent, where they were build. We present European, USA, UK, Asian and Australian coupes. We also present concept coupes, some news. We are well awared that we have missed some important coupe name in our base. We kindly ask you that you inform us via e-mail.
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